Journal Entry: April 16, 2009

Yesterday was tax day, but that didn’t mean a lot to us. Ours were done a while back. We ended up getting about the same amount back as I’d spent on the elliptical machine, so that works out nicely.

I headed home from work a little bit early so I could get in my workout before dinner. I did my forty minutes, showered, then we all climbed in the car and picked up a Happy Meal for AB before heading to Subway to meet up with D– and K– and N– (as well as N–‘s parents).

[Reader poll: Who doesn’t care whether or not I use their full names? Post a comment if legibility is more important than privacy to you and yours. This technically only refers to B– and E–, T–, D–, K– and N–, and my little sister and her family. The concerns of the first and last groups in that list are the ones who prompted the convention in the first place, but I just applied it to everyone I expected to get at least a weekly mention.]

After dinner D– and I walked over to the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market so he could pick up some groceries, then we went back to the house and watched Family Guy and South Park until T– got home with AB. Then we put her to bed, so it was nearly nine when we finally started on Lost (which turned out to be another great one).

After that we three sat and talked for a while, then D– headed home. I skipped my office time, but only because I’d already done about a thousand words on my book over lunch. So I got to go to bed early.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.