Journal Entry: July 2, 2009

I have spent much of the last week reading Courtney’s blog from the archives. I hope she’ll forgive the intrusion, but I’ve found it equal parts charming and inspiring. I liked reading her comments as a fellow writer enough that I went back to the beginning, and I’ve enjoyed reading her experiences as a missionary even more.

Yesterday I heard more bad news from Honda after I’d spewed a bit of my ire here (and some of it even made its way to Facebook). The upshot is that I won’t have my car back until Monday, and it’s probably going to cost me a thousand dollars. Yay.

I drove T–‘s car home from work and had dinner with her and my sister’s family at Swadley’s, which remains just enough below Steve’s Rib in quality, price, and service to justify the extra five mile drive. Alas.

Then T– and AB went to VBS and I went to Wal-Mart to get some oil for the Saturn in the hopes it would survive its suddenly-pending trip to Wichita. I picked the girls up after church, put AB to bed (more than once), and then hooked up the XBox in my office so I could play some Madden while I worked out. It was probably the most swiftly-passing exercise session I can remember, although I missed out on the upper-body motion because I was holding the controller instead of the machine’s flailing arms. Worth it, though.

Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.

3 Replies to “Journal Entry: July 2, 2009”

  1. No worries, Aaron, you’re not intruding. I’m glad you enjoy the blog–and you’re making me curious to go snooping through my archives, too. ;o)
    I haven’t commented much, but I’ve been poking around your blog as well. I particularly enjoyed the story about the guy who got rid of the “squatter” in his new house, then ended up marrying her. Her worldview resonates with me.

  2. I don’t really try to say anything interesting in my blog these days — it’s mostly just a dry chronicle of my daily happenings.

    I started out with much grander plans (on Xanga, actually, but I migrated everything over), so if you want some dry, academic style, jump back to the beginning. If you don’t like the first page, though, you can leave it at that. It doesn’t really get much better.

    Well…with the possible exception of my little parable, which was very well received. That one’s here:

  3. Oh, I don’t find the chronicle dry at all–unless you’re referring to the humor, the dryness of which I always appreciate…

    …as I do, on a more serious note, your uncompromising honesty.

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