I have been suffering some pretty bad backache for about a week now, and I used that as an excuse to take the week off going to the gym last week.
Well, that and the busyness of having my parents visiting for the second half of the week….
Anyway, yesterday after work I was still hurting, but I figured I had used up my excused absences. I got home and picked up T– and AB, and then we headed over to the Family Expectations building to pick up my niece Sophy (since my sister and her husband were teaching a class), and we took the two girls to daycare at the gym.
Once again, I found that after a week off I could jump right back into my routine, which is encouraging. I also found, again, a pound of weight loss in spite of a week off. That’s pretty good news.
After our workout, we grabbed some McDonald’s for dinner, dropped Sophy off at home, and then went home to crash on the couch. We watched four episodes of Boston Legal and then went to bed. That was my night.
Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.