Yesterday I got home a little late from work and then spent a little while talking with T– and AB before working out, so it was nearly 6:30 by the time we started on dinner.
I did put in a 35-minute workout, and I plan on doing 40 tonight. In just a week I’ve gotten past the point where soreness or tiredness makes it difficult to finish my workout. Now it’s just the battle with boredom, because somewhere around 25 minutes I just want to go do something else. I’m going to try to watching some different shows — something I haven’t seen before — in the hopes that will keep me better distracted.
Anyway, after dinner T– and I spent much of the evening working on a crafts project. That took us until 10:00, an hour into my writing time, but I’d gotten enough work done over my lunch break that I decided to skip it for the evening, and we watched some TV instead.
It was a pleasant evening, and I’m officially at the halfway point in my book now. That’s pretty exciting.
Other than that, it’s just things and stuff.